Your Twin Flame Loves You Perfectly.

Your Twin Flame loves you perfectly. Your Twin Flame doesn’t sugar coat their love, nor do they pretend to love you. They love you in a very real and authentic way. Sometimes that may look different than you are used to. You may think it isn’t love, but it is. They will discipline you. They will test you. They will challenge you. They will trigger you. They will bring up your past trauma. They will do whatever it takes to get you to become your best version. Your divine self. They will push your buttons and make you grow. This journey is not for the weak. This journey isn’t easy and it doesn’t get easier. It gets more challenging. But you get stronger. Your Twin Flame catalyses you to become strong. Your Twin Flame doesn’t give you any shortcuts, or discounts. They make you go the whole mile and won’t let you give up. This is inherently why you love your Twin Flame. This is why you are attracted to your Twin Flame. Because deep down, you want to be stronger. You want to be better. You want to love yourself more. You want to embody your divinity. You want to grow. You want to succeed. So: choose your Twin Flame! Let go of other options. Let go of trying to take the “easy way out”. Let go of the karmic or the soulmate and GO ALL IN. It’s worth it. You’re worth it. Your union is worth it. God loves you.


Addiction in Your Twin Flame Union


Upsets are inevitable; but so is your Union