Upsets are inevitable; but so is your Union

Upsets are inevitable, as is your union. Both are bound to happen. The question is: are you willing to choose love over everything and anything else? Are you willing to sacrifice your illusions? Your ego? Your hate? Your sadness? Because you will have to let those go, if you desire Harmonious Twin Flame Union with your beloved Twin Flame. God would never ask you to feel bad, and you don’t need to. You don’t ever need to sit in an upset. You can make a new choice and love yourself there. Why would you want to stay upset anyways? Is it really serving you? Or anyone else? Nope. So… New Years Resolution: let’s make the choice to commit to healing our upsets and grow our love from within. Let’s choose happiness. Let’s choose life. Let’s choose love over everything else, because otherwise … is life really worth it? You are worthy of the best life ever. Claim it. Choose it. Love yourself. Choose love. Always and forever. Now. Amen.


Your Twin Flame Loves You Perfectly.


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