Your Twin Flame grows with you into perfection

When I first met my Twin Flame, I felt an immediate attraction and connection to him. For the first few months, we were in the honeymoon phase, basically addicted and obsessed with each other. After those few months passed, though, all of our core blocks and wounds started surfacing. This is when the journey really began. At one point, I realized: He isn't actually "perfect", and there are many things I would like to change about him. Some of them were inner things and some were even outer. I desired my man to be completely healthy and free of addiction patterns. I even desired for him to gain weight and be more muscular. I also desired for him to be more spiritual and more active with his inner work. I tried to control these things on the outside, but nothing seemed to work. I would encourage him to go to the gym and beg him to do inner work with me. He obviously didn't do either of those things, when I asked him to. I began to feel upset, as if God had tricked me. I was upset that my so-called Twin Flame wasn't perfect. I then realized; well, I must not be seeing myself as "perfect" either, if he isn't. I must not be embracing my full potential and embodying my Divine self. I began to let go of all the expectations I had put on him and myself, and decided to accept and love us unconditionally. Suddenly, he began doing these things on his own accord, like lifting weights & doing his inner work with God. I realized there is nothing I can control on the outside to make him change, and that if I wanted him to change, this meant I needed to change myself. Since him and I are one and we share one consciousness, anything that upsets or disappoints me in him, I must observe where I am upsetting and disappointing myself, within myself. The truth is, this love is a soul love. It is much deeper than what meets the eye. The truth is I deeply love my Twin Flame & am attracted to his soul, exactly as he is. I also deeply love his beauty and body, and I would never change it for the world. The juiciness lies in accepting ourselves, as we are, unconditionally, right now; while also holding the vision of what we desire to be in the future. Holding the vision of my perfect man, the man of my dreams, and loving him as he gets there. When Jeff and Shaleia recommended, we make a love list, they say our Twin Flames only need to match about 80% of the list, for the 20% will be places our Twin Flame is still growing into. So, yes, it is safe to say that we are still growing into our "perfection", but the truth is: we are already perfect right now; and as we accept ourselves fully with where we are currently at, we will easily transform and change into who we want to become. We will do so from a place of love, acceptance & compassion; and not from a place of fear, control or upset. If your Twin Flame isn't expressing perfection in your eyes, just know that they are mirroring you & that you have the power to create whatever you desire in your own reality. Become the person you want your Twin Flame to be, for with Twin Flames it's: I am you & you are me.


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